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4 common signs of bladder cancer

4 common signs of bladder cancer

Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cells that can develop in any part of the body. The location of the cancer determines the type and the symptoms it causes. So, cancer developing in the bladder can affect the organ’s ability to store and remove urine. While confirming the condition requires a biopsy and other methods to reach a diagnosis, a few common signs can indicate the development of bladder cancer.

Painful urination
When a tumor or mass of cells pressing against the bladder invades the surrounding tissue, it causes sharp bouts of pain. This pain will also be felt during urination with varying intensity based on the progression of the cancer. Pain while urinating is a condition commonly referred to as dysuria that affects men more than women.

Abdominal and bone pain
As the bladder is located in the lower abdominal region, pain in the region is a common symptom of cancer in the region. If the cancer spreads to the nearby bones, it can result in bone pain. The intensity of these symptoms will mainly vary depending on the location and spread of the cancer. Some may also experience back pain here.

Frequent urination
The bladder controls the frequency of urination, so cancerous cells developing in the organ can affect this muscle function. Here, one might experience an increased urge to urinate frequently and struggle with controlling the flow. The urine stream may not be as strong, and trouble starting or stopping urination could also be observed. It may also become difficult to empty the bladder completely. Additionally, one might notice a discharge of fragmented and damaged tissue in the urine due to cancer cells invading and destroying healthy tissue.

Persistent bladder infection
The bladder and urinary tract are prone to infections, the symptoms of which can seem similar to those of bladder cancer. So, if there is an increase in the frequency of infections or the symptoms do not seem to go away for a while, one should get examined by a urologist to rule out bladder cancer.

It is important to consult a doctor if one notices any of these signs.

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