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4 simple tips to better manage asthma flareups

4 simple tips to better manage asthma flareups

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disorder that causes the airways to become restricted due to inflammation, which then triggers excess mucous production. 1 in 13 people are affected by this condition every year. There is no cure for asthma, but individuals can manage it to the point where symptoms become negligible. Given below are some useful tips on nutrition habits, lifestyle changes, preventive care, and effective prescriptions for asthma management:

Treatment for asthma
Prescriptions are the first line of treatment for asthma. Xolair® prevents common allergens from triggering asthma symptoms in patients who don’t respond positively to inhaled corticosteroids. Nucala® and Fasenra® both belong to a class of biologics designed to inhibit certain internal responses that trigger inflammation. Tezelpelumab, marketed under the brand name Tezspire™, specifically targets alarmins released by the lungs that trigger inflammation and lead to an asthma attack. Zyrtec® is an antihistamine that provides relief from indoor and outdoor allergies, which may aggravate asthma symptoms.

Suggested nutrition for asthma
Studies indicate that vitamins A, C, D, and E help lower the risk of asthma flareups. Egg yolks and salmon are excellent sources of vitamin D. Also, an apple a day can certainly keep asthma symptoms at bay. The fruit contains selenium, an anti-inflammatory compound shown to ease swelling in the airways. Cantaloupes and carrots are good sources of vitamin A and help promote healthy lung function. In addition, foods rich in antioxidants prevent cell damage and promote better respiratory functions. Assorted berries, dark greens, and leafy vegetables are a must-have to better manage asthma.

Effective lifestyle changes
Not getting adequate rest also increases the risk of infections and common allergies. A proper sleep routine plays a crucial role in boosting immunity. Daily exercise can help keep inflammation under control. In fact, any form of physical activity will promote better lung function. Light consistent exercises will also improve cardiovascular health in the long run. Also, stress triggers an increase in cortisol levels and heightens the risk of flareups. One must practice relaxation techniques, mindful breathing, and alternative therapies like yoga and meditation to better manage stress.

Preventive care tips
There are several environmental factors and pollutants that aggravate the symptoms of respiratory disorders. Smoke, mold, pollen, dander, and any other type of allergen can easily trigger asthma flareups. The only solution here is to actively limit exposure by wearing protective masks and avoiding going to heavily polluted areas. Vaccination is another effective strategy to lower the risk of common cold and viral infections that can worsen the symptoms of asthma.

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