Home | health | 7 Commons Signs Of Lung Congestion

7 commons signs of lung congestion

7 commons signs of lung congestion

Chest or lung congestion often occurs due to a common cold. Sometimes, an underlying medical condition like bronchitis, COPD, and so on can also cause persistent lung congestion. Additionally, excess fluids, such as mucus, can accumulate in the lungs, adding to the congestion. This also causes swelling of the lungs along with constriction of the airflow, which makes breathing difficult. Therefore, it is imperative to look at the signs and manage them through treatment options.

Signs of congestion in lungs
An affected person may experience:

  • A hacking cough with clear, green, or dark yellow mucus
  • A feeling of tightness in the chest
  • A sore throat
  • Constant body aches and frequent chills
  • A persistent headache
  • High fever that may last for a few days
  • Shortness of breath or wheezing

Most of the symptoms of chest congestion usually subside within a few days. However, the cough may persist for a couple of weeks as the bronchial tubes complete their healing process. If the cough lasts for more than 14 days, it is advisable to consult a doctor at the earliest. This sign might be an indicator of other serious health conditions, such as pneumonia.

Tips for managing the signs of lung congestion
In most cases, lung congestion can be effectively treated by rest and waiting for the virus to clear. Additionally, certain home remedies and management options can provide relief from symptoms.

  • Drinking enough water and clear fluids is essential to keep the body hydrated. It also helps thin out the mucus in the lungs and throat.
  • Placing a cool-mist vaporizer or humidifier in the room can provide relief from lung irritation.
  • For those experiencing difficulty breathing, one should sleep with their head elevated on several pillows. This helps improve breathing and prevent mucus from accumulating in the chest overnight.
  • Taking a hot shower while breathing in the steam also alleviates some of the discomfort caused by chest congestion.
  • Adding lemon and honey to a cup of hot tea can effectively help with chest congestion. This natural remedy can be used 2-3 times a day for added relief.
  • Chewing on lozenges helps keep the throat moist, further reducing throat irritation.

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